Read-only mode


We’re about to go on another vacation, and I haven’t even gotten around to posting photos from the last one yet.

I’ve kind of gone into read-only mode lately. Part of it is just the usual late-winter blahs; part of it is that we’ve been doing an unprecedented amount of travel lately so I always seem to be either getting ready for the next trip or still settling in from the last one. A big part of it is a new job I’m working that’s turned really intense: it’s a huge project, they’re letting me do a lot more interesting things to it than most corporate jobs are willing to risk, and I seem to have let myself get into permanent crunch time on it (partly because I’m trying to make up for all these missed days from travel, partly because it’s just more interesting than a lot of the small one-off tasks I’ve been doing lately.) Plus, you know, toddler in the house. That takes up some time.

After this trip, I’m going to fix that. I’m going to remind myself to take days off from work, and to do more stuff worth sharing. I’m going to be pestering some of you — you know who you are — for art days, or movie or music making, or coffee, or just whatever. We’re going to crank up the swimming pool again and make some of you get into it. That sort of thing. It’s going to be good.

Just so you’re prepared.